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The Faculty of Theatre Studies - School of Philosophy (University of Athens) welcomes the incoming Erasmus students.

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the framework of the LLP/Erasmus programme has established bilateral agreements in specific scientific areas with more than 300 European Universities, with which it exchanges annually an increasing number of students for undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral studies. The number of the Erasmus incoming students up to now is more than 4.100.

Courses at the University of Athens are normally taught in Greek. However, in some Faculties there are also courses in other languages (mainly in English) while in all Faculties there are special arrangements for LLP/Erasmus Students with no sufficient knowledge of Greek language.

The Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre of the University offers Greek language courses to incoming Erasmus students. Students who have succeeded in the examinations at the end of each semester obtain ECTS credits.

The Department of European and International Relations provides information and support to all incoming students, so that they can be active members of our university community.

Orientation Days for the Erasmus incoming Students are organized at the beginning of each semester.

Webpage: http://en.interel.uoa.gr/llp-erasmus.html 

Guide for Erasmus Incoming Students 


Erasmus bilateral agreements with student mobility

University of Athens–Faculty of Theatre Studies

Academic coordinator: Platon Mavromoustakos: platon[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr

Project:  Humanities Education Revitalized via Mundus ExperienceS



Winter semester 2013–2014

Contemporary Greece: History, Arts and Letters- Erasmus A΄

(Winter semester Code: 68ΘΣ33)

Course in English twice every week mainly addressed to Socrates/Erasmus incoming students to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organized by the Faculty of Theatre Studies in collaboration with academics from the School of Philosophy.  The course offers an introduction to Greek history and culture, since the creation of the Modern Greek State. During the Winter Semester 2013-2014 the following participating lecturers will present the various topics: Linguistics: Professor Amalia Mozer, Dept. of Philology, Theatre: Professor Platon Mavromoustakos, Dept. of Theatre Studies, Music: Associate Professor Minas Alexiadis, Dept. of Theatre Studies, History: Assistant Professor Anna Karakatsouli, Dept. of Theatre Studies, Film: Assistant Professor Eva Stefani, Dept. of Theatre Studies, Art: Assistant Professor Manos Stefanidis, Dept. of Theatre Studies,  Literature: Thanassis Agathos, Dept. of Philology, et.al.

Students are asked to present small papers through e-class or hard copy (700-1200 words) and a final essay (12.000-15.000 words) on any of the topics taught depending their own specific interest after agreement with the lecturers.

Language of the Course: English  - ECTS: 6

Every Tuesday 15:00- 18:00 & Thursday 15:00- 18:00, room 916 (9th floor)

Inaugural lesson: 11 February 2014 - End of the Course: 14 April 2014.

The students who are interested to participate are kindly requested to contact the coordinator Prof. Platon Mavromoustakos (e-mail:platon[at]theatre.uoa[dot]gr) or meet him at his office (Philosophiki Scholi, Office 912 (9th Floor) – Winter Semester (16/12/2013-28/3/2014): Every Tuesday 15.00-16.00 and Wednesday 12.00-15.00)