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Chrysothemis Stamatopoulou-Vasilakou


Office 913, 9th floor, School of Philosophy

Office Hours: Monday, 15.00-17.00 

Phone: 210-7277929

E-mail: evasilakou@theatre.uoa.gr

Professor of History of Modern Greek Theatre at the Faculty of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens, Chair of the Faculty

Born in Athens in 1952, she graduated from the Collège Franco-Hellenique “Saint-Joseph” (1970). She studied both French and Greek Literature, graduated from the Faculty of French Language and Literature (1974) and the Faculty of Philology, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1976) of the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Graduated also from the Department of Library Science of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (1984), she has attended postgraduate courses on Documentation and Information Studies at the Department Infodoc of Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (1990 – 1991). In 1991 she was nominated Doctor of Philology with honours at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens for her PhD thesis titled “The History of the Greek Theatre in Constantinople during the 19th century”. (915 p.)

Her scientific interests focus mainly on:

  • History of Modern Greek Theatre and Drama in the 19th and the 20th centuries

  • Greek Theatre and Drama in Constantinople and Asia Minor in the 19th and 20th centuries

  • Theatre of Greek Diaspora

  • Modern Greek Actors: History and biography

  • Greek Comedy of the 19th century

  • Specific topics on theatre bibliography and documentation

As academic member of the Faculty of Theatre Studies since 1995, she has offered many courses both in undergraduate and postgraduate levels and has supervised a great number of diplomate and postgraduate dissertations, including PhD thesis at the Universities of Athens, Crete, Cyprus, Peloponnese, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and Harokopio University of Athens. She also teaches, as tutor professor, modern Greek theatre in the program “Studies on Greek Civilization” of Hellenic Open University (2012–2018).

She has participated in several conferences and she has given many lectures in Scientific and Cultural Societies.

She has authored 13 books including monographs and edited volumes (as a sole author or/and main editor). Moreover, more than 80 articles and studies of hers are published in scientific journals, literary magazines, collective volumes and conference proceedings. She has also supervised five publications for the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Peloponnese, during the period 2006 – 2009.

She has been member of the Academic Board of Directors of the University of Peloponnese (2004-2009), member of the Administrative Board of the National Audiovisional Archives (2005-2010), Vice President of the Faculty of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens (2011-2013), Director of the Program of Post-Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Theatre Studies since 2016. She has also participated as president or member at several Committees of the Greek Ministry of Education and as a member at the Supervisory Council of the Central Library of the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens up to the present.


A. She has published as author the following volumes:

  1. The Greek Theatre in Constantinople during the 19th century: History, repertory, theatrical companies, actors, theatres. Vol. A. Society “New Cycle of Greeks from Constantinople”, Athens, 1994. 455 p.; 24 cm.

  2. The Greek Theatre in Constantinople: The performances. Vol. B. Society “New Cycle of Greek from Constantinople”, Athens, 1996. 572 p.; 24 cm.

  3. The history of the Greek Actors' Society: 1917 – 1997. With the collaboration of a team of theatrologists, Sbilias Publications, Athens, 1999. 619 p.; 28 cm.

  4. Greek theatrical playbills of Constantinople: 1876-1900: A contribution to bibliography of theatrical programs of 19th century. E.L.I.A., Athens, 1999. 218 p.; 24 cm.

  5. The archive of Rallou Manou's Choreodrama: Her life and activities. With the collaboration of a team of theatrologists, Ephesos Publications and Faculty of Theatre Studies, Athens, 2005. 568 p.; 30 cm.

  6. The Theatre of the Greek Communities in the Near East: Constantinople – Smyrne: Eight Studies. Polytropon Publications, Athens, 2006, 2nd ed. 2010. 462 p.; 24 cm.

  7. Vassilis Mesologhitis: Litterateur, actor, syndicalist: His life and activities. Papazissis Publications, Athens, 2010. 588 p.; 30 cm.

  8. (Forthcoming) Extensive annotated Greek bibliography of theatrical plays, dialogues and monologues: 1900-1940 (it will be published in 2018 by Urani's Foundation of Academy of Athens, in the series “Theatrical Library”/Supervisor Professor Walter Puchner). 2 vols.

B. She has also edited the following volumes:

  1. Gedeon, Manouil. Αποσημειώματα χρονογράφου, Μνεία των προς εμού, Πατριαρχικαί εφημερίδες, Ιστορία των του Χριστού πενήτων: Indexes. Edition collaborated with Dimitra Pikramenou. Centre of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 1979. 130p; 24 cm.

  2. Puchner, Walter. The reception of French dramaturgy in modern Greek theatre: 17th - 20th century: A first global approach. Ellinika Grammata, Athens, 1999. 219 p.; 24 cm.

  3. Ten years of the Faculty of Theatre Studies: 1990 – 2000. Faculty of Theatre Studies, University of Athens, Ergo, Athens, 2001. 436 p.; 28 cm.

  4. Scientific and Educational Lectures of the academic year 2004 – 2005. Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Peloponnese, Nafplion, 2006. 227 p.; 24 cm.

  5. Theatre in education: Theory and practice: Proceedings of scientific meetings. Edition collaborated with Asterios Tsiaras, Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Peloponnese, Papazissis Publications, Athens, 2007. 255 p.; 24 cm.

  6. (Fortcoming) The actress Helen Chalkoussi: Her life and activities (will be published in 2018).

Research activities

A. She has completed as scientific leader seven (7) research projects mainly funded by the Research Committee of the University of Athens.

  1. Greek bibliography of one act plays of the 19th century” (1995 – 1996).

  2. Greek bibliography of one act plays of the 20th century” (1997 – 1998).

  3. The activity of Greek Actors' Society: 1917-1997” (Greek Ministry of Civilization and Greek Actors' Society) (1997 – 1998).

  4. The Greek theatre in Asia minor till 1922” (1999 – 2001).

  5. Rallou Manou's Archive” (University of Athens and Academy of Athens) (1999 – 2002).

  6. Greek bibliography of theatrical plays: 1900 – 1940” (2005 – 2008).

  7. Greek actors and their activities as writers: 19th – 20th century” (2006 – 2008).

B. She has also participated in the following completed research programmes, as member of the Scientific Committee:

  1. Bibliography of Greek theatrology 1900 – 2005”, funded by the European Programme “Pythagoras I” ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ. (2003 – 2007).

  2. Organisation, digitization and documentation of the National Theatre's Archives”, funded by the European Programme “Information Society” (2006 – 2008).

  3. Participation in the Research Program: “Chrysallis: Cultural transfer and national character in nineteenth century Greek periodicals”. (Scientific leader, Professor Anna Tabaki). Head of research group for the sub-project “The reception of theatre genres (authors, ideological and aesthetic currents, drama theory): poetic theatre, prose theatre and music theatre”. Funded by the European Programme “Thales” for Excellence Research (2012 – 2015).